Offshore blogging part 2
Life is unfair. Life sucks. However, I do believe God is fair...
Exactly a month ago, I was offshore cracking my head over a problem which i cannot fix.(cos it's ha hardware problem) Today, I am offshore Singapore on a rig towing to the north of the island. If all goes well, I'll get my ass out by the evening and head back to land. If my comms fail on me. It's 2 weeks to Myanmar. Not at all funny. Alot has happened in the past week. I finished reading Deception Point, umn. bought a new book but i haven't started yet. I grew fond of someone(another case of impossible relationship), vise versa, built 2 radomes, clubbed at the 71st floor of Swiss Hotel, gotten pissed before i even entered, went back home.. It has been eventful..
my trip to Tehran has been posponed till after christmas. That's a miracle.
Speaking of which, I have to share, miracles do happen until this present day. It may not be God holding the sun up while Joshua kicks some ass at the battle field nor Moses parting the Red Sea, but, it's the simple things in life that we come across everday. God is faithful. I am not.
Miracle no 1, the combination lock
I was on a job in Batam. And for those who does not have Google Earth, Batam is an island as big as singapore, well in fact, it's just at the south of Singapore. And it belongs to Indonesia. Need I say more? I stepped into a Ralph Lauren shop to purchase a polo t. Thanks to my fat fingers, I messed up the combination to my lock. That's bad news. For those who has been to Indonesia, having to check in an unlocked bag is definately bad news. I was frantic! i went around looking for a lock but i could not find one. AND, my ferry ride was only 1 hour away. I prayed and ask God to help. I remembered the Lord. And when i was walking back to the ferry terminal, i fiddled my lock, just randomly turning the knobs. And suddenly, the lock opened. 3 numbers. Possibility is 1000. I got it open. I sincerely believe this is a miracle.
Miracle no 2, the pick pocket
3 days after Batam, I decided to fly back home. Personal trip. so no flashy transfers to the hotel, no Singapore airlines, no MAS, just AIR ASIA. I was dropped at the LRT at 8am. Rush hour, people. Crapmed like a school of sardins, I leaned back and let my guard down. I DID NOT CONSTANTLY fiddled with my arse to check if my wallet is intact. (BIG MISTAKE) As i left the train, I checked my arsed. Darn. No wallet!! First thing was. Oh God. Please, NO!! A surge of adrenalin and courage flooded my system. I backed into the train, to where i was standing and i yelled.."My wallet is missing" everyone gave me way and started searching.. I don't know why, but I immediately suspected the Indonesian looking guy next to me in the train. I asked him. "Did u see my wallet" and he answered "WHY ME?" and he pointed to te ground, 1 meter from where I was standing. Low and behold. My wallet. I think this is a miracle. I thanked and praised the Lord for showing me my wallet. All is intact, all is there.
Miracles do happen. Even until today. And it happens to anyone who believes, No matter how much you think you've shyed away from God. Praise Jesus. I am know i am not worthy to prise him, I am a sinner(and not proud of it). Again. Praise the Lord. Amen.
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