Tuesday, October 04, 2005

You know you're it..

I am feeling unusually happy. Not ecstatic, just calmly happy. All looks good. I, however dread tomorrow. Hard manual work coming my way. I had a thought while i was in the cab from the office. You know you are, if you....that's exactly what I'll blog about.

(some assumptions are a bit blown out of proportion)

You know you are on a perpetual diet if you watch your carb intake and consume less rice than your date
You know you are a workaholic if you wish you are at work on a weekend
You know you are a miser if you eat economy rice everyday and think twice about Mc Dee's
You know you are a hopeless romantic if you sing along to Frank Sinatra
You know you are a shopaholic if you have to walk in and out of a shop just to decide, and end up not buying
You know you have expensive taste if you know what A|X is
You know you are spoilt if you refuse to take the bus
You know you are a shoe freak if you have more than 9 pair of shoes (applies to guys only)
You know you are metro sexual if you tried out at least 2 shirts before finding out that the colors won't match your shoes
You know you are good looking if guys(gay ones) check you out. Either that or you are wearing an incriminating T-shirt
You know you are an Ah Beng if you can fit a cat in your car's exhaust
You know you are mommy's boy when you call your mom asking "what is cukai pintu?" or how to cook laksa
You know you are a geek when you start talking tech jargons and only an "elite" few understands it
You know you are of mixed parentage if people start talking to you in anything but english
You know you are a workout freak if you do push ups and sit ups in the hotel room
You know you are a net addict if you get pissed over revoked complimentary broadband access
You know you are in love if you just think about another person (has not happened yet, or has it?)
You know you are a dreamer if you plan on what car to buy next, but you can't decide whether to get a 2 door or a 2 seater
You know you are a Christian if you think twice about doing something sinister, and you sincerely TRY to live like one
You know you are a good son/daughter if you call your parents just to say "Hi" once in a while
You know you are in bad emotional shape if you listen to Damien Rice and find the lyrics relevant to your life
Yon know you are human if you feel pain, and you bleed.
You know you are Christian if you believe that Jesus is Lord, and he has the last say over everything (d'uh isn't it obvious)
You know you are a blog addict if you are blogging offline via Eudora, waiting to upload the blog when you get back that precious precious Internet access.

Below is the most beautiful box I've seen. Why? same prints will be on me, God willing. The box next to it however, reads "Italy". I wish for that instead.


Blogger Perky said...

hmm... interesting. reading this post has made me realize a few things :
1) workaholic... check.
2) hopeless romantic? well, only if u sang frank sinatra complete with that real longing look in your eyes.. and yeah, complete with voice imitation.
3) i dont take buses bcoz i fear of ending up in kelantan or some ulu place.
4) u ARE a shoe freak, and clothes freak as well. as a matter of fact, i think u should have a room especially for those 2 items only.
5) if u realize that the colors don't match your shoes, u could be more gay than u dare to admit ;)
6) if gay guys check u out, it could possibly be dat u're emitting gay vibes ;)
7) u are a geek & i'm not one of the "elite" few :(
8) i get the whole non-english speaking thing a lot. A LOT. can't blame them if i look like a bloody maid most of the time!
9) i do situps & pushups when i wake up & b4 i go to bed. workout freak? hmm..
10) am defnitely in luv and about to get heartbroken in less than 2 weeks time. nonetheless, wish me luck & yeah, prepare the vodka just in case. hahaha!
11) i'm a good daughter =) yey!
12) i dont know who damien rice is & i watch mtv all the time. how sad is that?
13) does it still make u human if u like pain & blood?
14) a definite blog addict if u spend 6 days thinking & drafting out what next to blog about. *sigh*

Tue Oct 04, 02:12:00 PM 2005  
Blogger queue said...

Nice one Perks. I absolutely loved your response! What? you take 6 days just thinking of a blog draft? Now that's a blog addict. Take care babes, and Selamat berpuasa!

Tue Oct 04, 05:03:00 PM 2005  
Blogger NoMandLand said...

I am too busy to watch anything in life. Life somehow watchs me.

I damn always wish I am at work on weekends.

Nah I am not a miser.

I love Frank's song "Luck be Lady tonight"

Yeep I walk in and out a lot.. especially from Electronics Shops

Is A|X one of the math thingies?

I take the train.. easier

I have only 3 pairs.. One I found today.. didnt realize I still have it.. Another I wear always.. and the 2nd pair somewhere under my bed

Who in the world looks at shoes?

If any gay guy looks at me, I will break his teeth!

I sometimes do call mom asking how to boil egg!

I think I am a geek

I can speak Bengali, English and Hindi

I dont do exercise unless have to.

What again?

Yeah I am in love ... maybe with more than one.. oh wait with one. .oh wait.. does loving BMW Z3 counts?

I know exactly what car to buy. A BMW Roadster

I am a Hindu.

Who is that dude?

I feel pain.

I am Hindu

Nah.. I blog from home or from campus

Thu Oct 06, 06:43:00 PM 2005  

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