Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Offshore Con Job

It's only a 2 day job. You'll be out of there in no time.

I've been told. 6 days and counting.. What happened was I found myself rig hoping offshore myanmar. Not that I am complaining, But I was hoping to go back to KL. Anyways, does not matter now, that girl has gone back and I am onboard offshore Hilton. Old, but comfortable. THE OFFSHORE HILTON, NOT THE GIRL. Bah..

This is how my travel started.

Took a flight from KL - Yangon, then took a tiny little plane (sits 20) to a hick ass island called Sitwee. Then a 30 minutes chopper ride to the rig. Worked for 2 days, then off to another rig, 1 hour by boat. Worked a day, then, I found myself sleeping in different rigs every night. That would make me a rig slut won't it?

Either I am important or these people like to torment me.

Job is done. I am glad. Now for the exciting bit. Going back home. Basically the same way I came in, but getting a flight back to KL will be tricky. I heard flights to KL on friday is full. So my options are saturday (business class) or monday (economy class)

Points to ponder about while making this decision:
-I hold a open economy ticket
-I get a daily allowance while travelling
-I haven't seen Yangon
-I am in no hurry to go back to KL.

Do the maths and logic. I think i'll fly off on Saturday.
I'll update you with my yangon shopping/sight seeing/vacation (hopefully)

Thing to do when i get back to KL.
-collect rent money from the boys
-Go banking(i don't know why. but i got a feeling i have to go to the bank)
-Change Money. What does Iran use?
-Get ready for the next job/tool check
-Install those mirrors I bought the other day
-Go view that Fiat Coupe advertised in the star
-Catch up with some friends over a drink

Hmn. this is becoming more of a personal planner than a blog. Any how.
I just asked my friend this question.

Hectic hectic.

"Why can't i get a proper girlfriend, Is it because I am lakia?"
She has not answered. Maybe it's because I am lakia. Bloody racist.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u damn ring slut ... damn lakia .. hahah .. DIE Bitch

Wed Jan 04, 11:31:00 PM 2006  

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