Friday, January 27, 2006


Bad logistics. Bad planning. that's the shit I had to go through for this job. Nevertheless It's ok now. I guess I've fixed it. Or rather. Run it properly. I don't know, sometimes I feel like a hero, but most times, I feel like an under achiever.
I am at a cross point. I think I need a career change. I feel like I don't need anyone to cling on to in life. Screw girls. Screw relationships. I think I am better off living a life of solitary offshore. I am qualified, and i think i am up for it. The jobs aren't that tough. These guys are after all.. human, like me. the same flesh and bones, the same system. Oh for pete's sake, we're the same species. I belive no one is stupid. It's just how you use your head. ( I am consoling myself here) I'll look up my career options. I have a few in mind, all offshore all big bucks.

Money,after all, that what we all work for. No? Passion? We work for passion's sake? Oh please, Passion sizzles out like spit your bbq pit once you don't get your pay check in time. Let's face it. We all have bills to pay, Loan, etc bla bla. Money makes it. Money. It breaks you. It ruins your family. Yet.. it pays your bills...
Simple choices, Life change decisions.. For money of for love?

Some people are coming over this weekend. I am offshore. I've decided to cut my offshore trip short to see them. I don't know why. But they are kinda worth it, worth to say no to moula.

Oh yes. which reminded me. Something happened on the Vicksburg yesterday. There was a fire in the engine room. Funny. Dangerous, but funny. Later we're going to have a H2S drill. Yay. more drills to keep the old ticker going.

Tomorrow, they are going to drill some crazy hole which could make everyone abandon rig. Oh yeah! some real offshore action. Finally.... something close to Piper Alpha.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

when shit hits the fan.

Now what? What do we do when shit hits the fan and splatters all over the room? You clean it up, Maybe. You run and leave it for a while. definately. Let the shit dry up and maybe clean it up later. Running is one of my favourite sports. Running, both physically and emotionally. Something in life are not worth fixing, and sometimes the best way out is to leave it, turn a deaf ear and swith yourself off.

I've been doing this so often that i've lost track how many times i've flicked the switch.

things going though my head now..

Hermit's crab shell.
fits while it lasts.
smoke on the water.
the sound of waves hitting a shore of rocks
black black skies over open seas
my life has no relavence, no significance

Considering I've not splattered much shit on myself for this case. I guess i'll just dissapear for a while. It's a healthy thing to do. No one gets hurt. Well, atleast that's what I choose to believe. Darn it. I need to go on a vacation... Anywhere but here.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Offshore Con Job

It's only a 2 day job. You'll be out of there in no time.

I've been told. 6 days and counting.. What happened was I found myself rig hoping offshore myanmar. Not that I am complaining, But I was hoping to go back to KL. Anyways, does not matter now, that girl has gone back and I am onboard offshore Hilton. Old, but comfortable. THE OFFSHORE HILTON, NOT THE GIRL. Bah..

This is how my travel started.

Took a flight from KL - Yangon, then took a tiny little plane (sits 20) to a hick ass island called Sitwee. Then a 30 minutes chopper ride to the rig. Worked for 2 days, then off to another rig, 1 hour by boat. Worked a day, then, I found myself sleeping in different rigs every night. That would make me a rig slut won't it?

Either I am important or these people like to torment me.

Job is done. I am glad. Now for the exciting bit. Going back home. Basically the same way I came in, but getting a flight back to KL will be tricky. I heard flights to KL on friday is full. So my options are saturday (business class) or monday (economy class)

Points to ponder about while making this decision:
-I hold a open economy ticket
-I get a daily allowance while travelling
-I haven't seen Yangon
-I am in no hurry to go back to KL.

Do the maths and logic. I think i'll fly off on Saturday.
I'll update you with my yangon shopping/sight seeing/vacation (hopefully)

Thing to do when i get back to KL.
-collect rent money from the boys
-Go banking(i don't know why. but i got a feeling i have to go to the bank)
-Change Money. What does Iran use?
-Get ready for the next job/tool check
-Install those mirrors I bought the other day
-Go view that Fiat Coupe advertised in the star
-Catch up with some friends over a drink

Hmn. this is becoming more of a personal planner than a blog. Any how.
I just asked my friend this question.

Hectic hectic.

"Why can't i get a proper girlfriend, Is it because I am lakia?"
She has not answered. Maybe it's because I am lakia. Bloody racist.