Subject: Blog 29/sept
Thanks to a few factors, I am have actually walked a good ten minutes (doesn't seem like alot, but trust me, my day has been hectic) to the nearest Mc D to leach on their free broad band. I've been getting encouraging comments from my few readers, to whom please accept my heartiest gratitude. Again I must repeat myself. I do not read for leisure, does sign boards and technical manuals count as leisure? I guess not....
For the first time I came in to Mc D's and it took a good 5 minutes deciding on what I'll have. First question was, "Is there Wifi in here?'", second was "Is it free?" And to my advantage, it is. I am however not getting a connection yet. maybe it's because i just ordered a sundae for 1.50. "kiam siap-ness" runs thick in my blood. I am after all, half chinese. I am drawing a blank here.... *tick tock*
Sigh, I have nothing to complain about. Work is good. I have the ultimate job for weight watchers, globe trotters, techies, and everything-engineer wanna bees. I really can't complain. Heck, how many people do you know, can say call up their parents on a satellite phone which was just installed by himself? I bet my dad is amused with me showing off my techy side to him.
I miss my friends. I miss just hanging out and talking nonsence. It's fun I tell you. It's the only time when you can put your intelli-hat down and just act, well idiotic. Laugh about nonsensical jokes, and the silliest things ever. I am surrounded by superb people. This my friend, is a blessing. Count them, and make them last, while it does.
My curse? My refusal to fall in love. It hurts. My scars are not healing, time will heal all they say. Well time has stood still for me, (cliche alert!) or in a techy way, I must say this, forgive me.. I've been going faster than time itself. (d'uh) No, really. And you wondered why songs of love and heartaches are sang with so much emotion. With love kingdoms are won, life created, but also with the same force, comes mayhem. I don't know, have i fancied anyone lately? oh plenty. Like what i tell my buddy. i am of a hot hot chicken shit nature. Just in it for the moment. Problem is, i don't think i can commit. I am always thinking about how i may screw up in the future. It's ironic how, in a relationship when there is a breakup it's always the guy's fault. If the guy cheats, the guy is a bastard, if the girl cheats, it's called, "Sorry darling, i've found someone new" Sounds all too familiar? And, in all breakups There's almost no chance of reconciliation. Usually it ends up in fuck off, don't let me ever see you again. Why is this, have you wondered? Is this all just to cover up the real feelings inside? C'mon people. Tell me. when is the last time you craved for something and it left you. Won't you want it back? It's like driving past your favourite satay stall in kajang and thinking, Oh, If i could only take that kambings satay and bloody chelup it into kacang sauce, but haiyah, I am on a diet lah, cos I am fat.. See? that's what you call DENIAL. everybody now. DENIAL :) hence the name of this blog...babindenial, for the anglo and non malay community out there, that means pig in denial. yes pig. Like Poco(FR), Cerdo(SP), Babui(TG).
How i wish i would dare to love again. I think i am just too afraid of the hurt after that. No one can gurantee a happy ending right? Look at er, *in himbo mode* J Lo and Ben Ass-lack. Well, er ok. bad role models.... sorry people but that's not the entire point, hollywood weddings are not meant to last anyways... But seriously. Falling in love is like taking a plunge into a deep deep ravine. The rush, the thrill, the adrenalin, the excitement, the felling of selflessness, absolutely undeniable. The landing however, pretty much depends on one self... So before I take the next plunge, I will keep a head's up, and my only fear is the landing. May we all land on soft-soft cushion. ( I don't mean bosom, you perv).
So, to God almighty i submit my love life (what love life) Christians believe that God will provide a way, even if it looks like there's no way. But if there's no way God will provide a way. Where am i going with this, by the way? This is bloody confusing, I have clearly lost my way. Ok I'll stop typing W.A.Y. *clears throat* People, says preachy pig..... Believe in miracles, falling in love is one of them. Heck, being alive with loved ones is another one. Having "supposedly" free broad band in Mc D's is another one.....But, miracles do happen. The first step is to believe.
Damn I sound desperate. It's one of those moments... (self sympathy kicking in hard). It's just how i am feeling right now. Maybe I am lonely. I've been away for 4 days now. Haven't hit any malls, just work and the hotel. It's getting into me. Wish i had a guitar, I can atleast sing my blues, (believe me you'll only hear sad sad songs) maybe i'll buy one, er. now that impulsive buying(from my more dominant Y genes) hang on. Y is for female right? screw that lah. I have no internet to google it off.
So yes. This place supports 802.11G( they give that crap for free) and my notebook is a 802.11B. I feel like a total idiot blogging on my Eudora, I hope i don't accidentally email it off to my parents, or worst, my boss. ;)
It's getting cold. and my ice cream is, hang on....looking disgusting. I better head back to my room, watch some local TV ( no cable in deluxe room-lah) and just sleep off.
So yes, whoever you are, If you like someone, take the first step. Like i said, It's like taking a plunge, take a first step. run if you have to, hopeully you trip and fall, into the ravine of love, and my you land in the arms of your princess/prince. Amen.
This is me, reporting live from Little Freaking INDIA. LORD, I HATE THIS PLACE!
Disclaimer: I have alot of Indian friends, It's the place I can't stand
that girl who was sitting a table away from me looks kinda cute. but's she' gone now. rite. whatever.